Pool Water Without Chlorine?

Traditionally chlorine has always been used to clean and disinfect the water in commercial and residential swimming pools.  While very effective, there are a number of downsides to chlorine such as irritating and drying out the pool users skin and causing discoloration to the swimmer’s clothing.  In addition, chlorine is not a “green” product and can be hazardous if the material is misused or if the containers are not properly disposed of when empty.  Advances in technology have resulted in two alternate systems, which make it possible to reduce the amount of chlorine by up to 90% thru the use of either an ozone generator or a chlorine generator.

The first system generates ozone, which is a natural product that has excellent sanitization properties.  One of the benefits of this system is its ease of incorporation into existing pool equipment, as well as its effectiveness in keeping the water in the pool clean, while greatly reducing the amount of chlorine in the pool.   The second system is a chlorine generator or a “salt system” and relies on installing an electrolytic cell onto the existing pool equipment and adding salt to the pool.  As the water passes by the cell, it reacts with the salt, creating hypochlorous acid, which is the key killing ingredient found in chlorine.

This system requires little maintenance beyond maintaining the salinity of the pool.  Added benefits include a lack of a chlorine smell and the overall salinity of the pool is very, very mild. Both systems are affordable and will reduce the cost of keeping the pool clean, while providing a “greener” alternative to chlorine.

Posted on behalf of Somar Pools, LLC
Miami Beach, FL
(305) 767-7755

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