Does Your Pool Have A Leak?

A small leak in your pool can quickly become a big problem. Not only does it waste water, it can lead to expensive damage to your home and property. Identifying a pool leak as soon as possible is your best defense when it comes to avoiding bigger and more expensive problems than just repairing your pool.

Dealing With A Pool Leak

A big pool leak is easy to detect, but a big leak usually starts small, making it harder to notice. Most leaks are in the pools shell, usually around drains, skimmers or fittings. They can also occur in the plumbing pipes or in the pool floor, which can be more difficult to find and fix. Regardless of where the leak is, the first step to fixing the problem is realizing your pool has a leak. Common signs of a pool leak include:

  • Loss of water. Although some water loss is normal due to splash and evaporation, if you notice larger losses you may have a leak.
  • Wet ground. If you have a leak in your pool plumbing, you may find wet areas in the ground around your pool.

Finding the leak can be more difficult. Unless you can see a crack or hole in your pool shell, it can be hard to pinpoint the exact source of the leak on your own. The best way to find where the leak is and get it fixed is to hire an experienced leak detection pool service. With new technology, many pool services can detect the leak using computerized equipment in a matter of minutes. After the leak is detected, they can work quickly to locate the exact leak area and offer solutions to get it fixed fast.

Posted on behalf of Somar Pools, LLC

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