5 Myths About Chlorine in Pools

Everyone knows chlorine is used in most swimming pools to keep the water safe. However, you may be wrong about many other commonly held beliefs about chlorine. This chemical is strong enough to help control bacteria and other organisms that can make water unsafe for swimming and should be rinsed away after swimming to reduce damage to skin and hair. However, there are some beliefs about this popular pool chemical that are false, including these five myths.

  1. If the odor of chlorine is strong, there is too much in the pool. The smell of chlorine is what occurs when chlorine is evaporating, after it has done its job. In some cases, the smell of chlorine means the pool needs more, not less, of this chemical.
  2. Chlorine turns blonde hair green. No, chlorine is not the substance in pools that can give your hair an unwanted tinge of green. Copper is the culprit that can make blonde hair green.
  3. Chlorine stings your eyes if you open them under water. If it stings to open your eyes under water in a pool, this is not the fault of chlorine. Once again, you may not have enough chlorine as this is a symptom of unbalanced PH levels.
  4. Saltwater pools do not need chlorine. While saltwater pools require much less chlorine, they still use chlorine for shocking and chlorine is made naturally with salt.
  5. Swimmer’s ear is caused by chlorine. A clean, sanitized pool with chlorine is not the cause of swimmer’s ear. This condition is caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa – a common pathogen in pools.

Keeping your chlorine levels balanced is one of the best ways to maintain a safe, healthy swimming pool. Forget these myths about chlorine and talk to your local pool service about the proper way to use chlorine or chlorine alternatives to keep your pool water safe.

Posted on behalf of:
Somar Pools, LLC
6538 Collins Ave, #42
Miami Beach, FL 33141
(305) 767-7755

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