Pool Prep Tips for Summer

Once the spring air starts warning up with more sunshine, your mind turns to relaxing in your pool. However, if you close your pool during the winter, it will take some preparation to get it ready for safe swimming. If you are ready to start enjoying lazy days by the pool, here are some tips to get your pool ready for summer.

  • Tend to your filtration system. Your pool water will need to be completely cleaned through your filtration system. To get it ready, make sure your system is ready to go by assembling the parts and checking the filters. Cartridges may need replacement or rinsing – you may need to backwash a sand filter or clean your DE filter. Make sure all components like baskets are clean and free of debris.
  • Fill your pool. It is usually best to leave water in your pool if possible, even when you are not using it. However, you may need to add water to get it full again after a long winter or completely refill it if you did empty it.
  • Water chemical balance. Your pool water should be tested before you begin the chemical process. Your pool service can test your water to determine the chemical balance and mineral concentration. This helps determine the best chemical additions to bring PH balance to the water. Once your pool water is treated, it will need to filter until it is clear – filters may need to be cleaned throughout this process.

Don’t want to go through the hassle of getting your pool ready for swimming? Hire a professional pool service to prepare your pool for the summer swimming season. They can make sure your pool water is safe and perform a full inspection on your equipment to get your ready for summer.

Posted on behalf of:
Somar Pools, LLC
6538 Collins Ave, #42
Miami Beach, FL 33141
(305) 767-775

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