Brighten Up Your Pool by Resurfacing

As beautiful as a underground pool can be when it is new and clean, it can over time lose its luster and become dingy and even dirty looking. The surface of the pool can erode over time, giving in to chips, scratches and other elements that affect the way the pool looks. However, there are several ways to brighten up your pool and make it look brand new again with pool resurfacing.

Types Of Resurfacing

There are four main ways you can resurface your pool: fiberglass, plaster, tile and paint. Each has its pros and cons when it comes to expense and longevity. Depending on how much you want to spend and how deteriorated your pool’s surface is, all can give new life to a dingy pool.

–         Fiberglass. One of the most reliable resurfacing materials is fiberglass. This is applied in multiple coats with resin and can come in a variety of colors and textures.

–         Plaster. For cement pools, an affordable way to resurface is to use plaster. First the old plaster must be removed then the new plaster will be applied. Filler pebbles or quartz are often added to protect the plaster.

–         Tiles. A beautiful way to resurface is to use tile. However, this is one of the most expensive options.

–         Painting. In some cases, resurfacing is not necessary and you can brighten your pool by just repainting it if there is no major damage to the surface.

Whatever method you choose, your pool will have a new look and better appeal once it has a new surface. It will add years to the pools life and can even add to the value of your home.

Posted on behalf of Somar Pools LLC

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