Weekly Spa Maintenance Tips

Whether you are a new or seasoned spa owner, it is important to keep up the maintenance on it so that it can be enjoyed at any time and so that it is always working properly. Not everyone knows the best way to maintain their spa, though, leading to a number of problems. Here are two weekly spa maintenance tips that you can carry out on your own.

  • Shock the Spa with Lithium Chlorine – About once a week, you want to shock your spa with Lithium Chlorine even if it was not used in the past week. While you don’t want to put too much shock in the spa, you want to ensure that your spa has reached the proper shock level about 10 minutes after the shock has been added. You can determine this with the chlorine reading on your spa test strips. Shock in the evening before bed since no one can enter for at least eight hours.
  • Check pH Levels – Around 24 hours after you have shocked your spa, check the pH and adjust if necessary. Ultimately, the reading should be around 7.5 or 7.6. If you need to readjust, check back every 10 minutes or so until the right reading has been achieved.

The above-mentioned steps are to be done on a weekly basis or maybe even twice per week if your spa is used heavily. If you aren’t sure how to shock your spa or check pH levels, call a pool service out to do so for you. They can even show you how! It’s always nice to have a pool service handy in case you run into any problems with your spa that you can’t figure out on your own.

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