Common Pool Surfacing Issues

When your pool was brand new, it looked pristine and beautiful, an inviting place to cool off on a hot day. Over the years, wear, exposure to the sun and chlorine can all take their toll on your pool’s surface. Years later, the stunning pool you once had is now faded, stained and can even be an eyesore. Here are common issues that can affect your pool’s surface over the years.


Many times pool plumbing uses copper pipes. The chemicals used to keep your pool sanitary can also cause the copper pipes to corrode. As the copper enters the pool water, several issues can become apparent. “Green hair” is one issue; the green from the copper corrosion can also change the color of your pool water and stain the surface.

Iron and Manganese

Both iron and manganese in the water can leave stains on your pool surface. These minerals can leave stains on your pools surface as they oxidize; they can also leave sediment at the bottom of your pool.


The surface of your pool can become pitted, often from improper chemical balance. While balancing your chemicals can help stop this issue, once the damage is done, resurfacing is the best solution.


The hot sun that makes a pool so enticing can also ruin the surface of your pool. White spots and pale bleached areas are common after years spent under the sun’s hot rays.


If a pool’s surface has extreme wear from years of enjoyment, the surface can become slippery and dangerous.

Investing in resurfacing can bring your pool back to its former glory. Choose a quality surface that will resist these common issues. Talk to your local pool renovation company to find the right new surface to rejuvenate your pool.

Posted on behalf of Somar Pool Service & Repairs
4581 Weston Road
Weston, FL 33331
(954) 840-8544