Where Is Your Pool Leak?

Are you concerned that you have a pool leak? If you have done the tried-and-true bucket test and found you are losing water, you know you have a problem. But how severe is it and where is the leak? When it comes to pool leaks, there are a plethora of areas that can be to blame. Here are a few of the places where you could be leaking water from your pool:

  • Fittings and drains. One of the most common places for pool leaks is around any type of fitting or drain. Anywhere a seam is needed between the pool cement or shell can lose its seal and begin to leak. Lights, drains, skimmers and other fittings are always a good place to start looking for leaks.
  • Plumbing. Although less common, your plumbing to the pool could be the source of your leak. Unfortunately, many of these pipes are often underground, but you can inspect the pipes and plumbing you do have access to.
  • Shell or pool walls. If there is a crack in your pool that is leaking water, you have a major issue on your hands. This can be indicative of bigger problems with your pool and needs professional attention immediately.

Pool leaks will not get better without a repair, so finding the source is the first step in fixing the issue. Most pool owners will have a hard time finding a pool leak on their own, much less fixing it. If you have a leak, call your local pool service that offers leak repairs. They can quickly find the source of the leak and give you repair options to get it stopped.

Posted on behalf of Somar Pools, LLC
Miami Beach, FL
(305) 767-7755

Do You Have A Leak In Your Pool?

It’s an unfortunate fact of life: if you own a pool, eventually your pool will develop a leak. It could be from a tiny crack in your pool’s shell, a leak around the drain or skimmer, or in the underground plumbing. Once a pool leak is detected, it is important to determine the source as quickly as possible and have it repaired before it causes damage to your property.

Detecting A Leak

The most common way to determine if you have a leak in your pool is to watch your water level. Although you will always lose some water to evaporation or splash, if the level is dropping faster than usual, you may have a leak. Look for areas around your pool where the ground is wet, or for water dripping or spraying from the pump or filter.

If you think your pool has a leak, the next step will be to find the source and have it fixed. Finding the source is not always easy, as there are many possible places where your pool may eventually lose some structural integrity. Some of the most common areas are within your pool shell, especially anywhere there is an opening or fixture, such as the drain or skimmer. In most cases, you will need a professional pool service company to analyze your pool in order to find the leak and then proceed with repairs.

A professional pool service company with experience in leak detection can usually find the source of the leak and get it fixed before there’s any further damage to your property. As soon as you realize you may have a leak, call a pool service company specializing in leak repair to get the problem resolved immediately.

Posted on behalf of Somar Pools

Swimming Pool Leak Detection

A leaking swimming pool can get expensive very quickly due to the cost of water.  In addition, the introduction of pool water into the soils around a building or home can cause other issues as well.    Although it can seem like a daunting task, finding the source of a swimming pool leak and making the necessary repairs is easily accomplished when using a qualified pool service and repair company.  Pool leaks are common and usually occur in either the pool plumbing or within the pool itself.  Leaks in the pool are usually not the result of a failure of the shell, but are located in areas such as pool lights and skimmers where metal and / or plastic touches concrete.

The first pool leak detection step that the swimming pool repair contractor will do is to determine the amount of water being lost using specialized equipment.  The amount of water being lost will help narrow down the possible source of the leak.  The plumbing in the pool will be isolated and then pressure tested.  If the pressure falls, then there is a leak in the plumbing.  Listening devises and other methods are then used to determine where the water is escaping. The location is then excavated and the repair is made.  Once the repair is completed, the area is then restored to its original condition.

If the pressure holds then the leak is occurring in the pool itself.  The next step is to identify the area where leaking and make the repair, which may be as simple as replacing a gasket.  Upon completion of the repair, the impacted area within the pool is restored.