Chlorine-Free Options For Your Pool

Although taking a dip in your own pool is a wonderful luxury, no one likes the effect chlorine can have on skin, hair and clothing. Chlorine is definitely one of the best chemicals to sanitize your pool, keeping it clean and safe for swimming. However, it’s also a harsh agent, leaving your skin and hair dry and often ruining clothing. While it’s almost impossible to eliminate chlorine altogether, there are chlorine alternatives available to reduce the amount you need to use, making time spent in your pool even more enjoyable.

Sanitizing Solutions For Your Pool

New technology is available to use for a clean, safe pool with very little use of chlorine. These options can offer a natural way to purify your pool water, greatly reducing your dependence on chlorine as a sanitizer. Two of these options include:

  • Ozone generator. Ozone offers many of the same benefits as chlorine, without the harmful effects. Ozone generators are widely used in commercial pools and hot tubs to keep them sanitized with lower amounts of chlorine. These generators are also available for residential pools, reducing chlorine levels up to 90%.
  • Salt system or chlorine generator. Another option is a chlorine generator, also referred to as a salt system. These generators actually create the active elements in chlorine in your pool water through the use of salt and an electrolytic cell. The results are safe, clean pools with a substantially lowered need for direct chlorine additives in the water.

Both of these systems can be installed in your pool by a professional pool service company. Although there is an initial investment into the generators and installation, these devices can reduce the amount of chemicals you need to buy and enhance your pool experience.

Posted on behalf of Somar Pools, LLC