Cleaning Your Pool

It’s important that your swimming pool should be kept clean, even if the job might seem like a long or arduous process. The thing to remember is that regular pool service means that more time can be spent swimming and staying healthy — not having to worry about getting sick from your pool water makes it much easier to enjoy your time out in the water.

Different sized pools require different sorts pool service, but most have similar concerns and issues to keep in mind while cleaning them. Keeping the water free of any and all debris or other materials like leaves, insects, pine needles and more is very important, as they can get into the filtration system of your pool. Make sure to clean the surface for any floating debris, and to make sure the bottom of the pool is cleaned as well.

Make sure that the walls and bottom of the pool are scrubbed and vacuumed. Depending on where your pool is located near your home, vacuuming or brushing the walls or bottom of the pool should be done at least once or twice a week, depending on your availability and free time. This allows algae or other scummy buildup to be cleared away.

Lastly, make sure to check the filters of your pool’s filtration system on a regular basis — at least once a month, but make sure to check the manufacturer’s recommended instructions as to how often the filter should be checked or replaced. Replacing filters too soon is an unnecessary expense, and may even be detrimental to the regular care of your pool.

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