Hiring a Pool Service

The choice of a pool maintenance service is an important one. Owning a pool can be a joyous, relaxing thing but having to clean and care for it can be the cause of a number of headaches, involving handling potentially dangerous chemicals, keeping a detailed schedule for cleaning and treating the water, and all other hassles that get in the way of you enjoying your pool.

Hiring a pool service to keep up with your pool takes all of the guesswork and stress out of pool ownership. Pool service professionals are trained and taught how to handle any ordeal that might trouble you during the lifetime of your pool, everything from checking on expected leaks to replacing a broken filtration system. They also will perform regular cleaning to keep the water clean and clear, and even keep insects and leaves out of the water.

A pool cleaner can handle the multitude of problems that come up, so make sure to call yours at the first sign of an issue. If any equipment appears damaged or stops working, it needs to be checked and may need replacing, so warning your pool service company ahead of time will save you a multitude of headaches in the long run. Make certain that you ask them to address any problems as soon as they come up.

The best reason for hiring a pool service is the freedom it provides to you, the pool owner. The ability to use and enjoy your pool without having to worry about any of the hassles involved in maintaining it makes choosing and calling a pool service company absolutely important. Consider giving one a call today.

Pool Safety With Children

Families with children should consider the benefits of owning a pool – it provides exercise, allows for spending quality time together, and can be a tremendous benefit to homeowners with children of all ages. Preparing a pool for the safety of everyone involved, including children, can spell the difference between preparedness and danger for young children in and around the water.

Consider the benefits of safeguarding the pool from your children, and take additional steps to keep them from injuring themselves in the pool. See that the pool is secured with a locked gate, especially the kind that can close and lock on their own, if possible. Make certain that these latches are out of reach for any children, and that the gate can’t be climbed over. Also make sure that any step stools or other ways to get into the pool area are removed.

Teach your child or children how to swim as early as possible to help them avoid injury. Even if you do train a child how to swim, always be sure to monitor and stay with them at all times. Always supervise young swimmers and never leave them alone for any reason.

Buy a pool alarm, which will sound the alert whenever the water is disturbed, and if anyone jumps or falls into the water. Keep any other toys or temptations out of the water when not in use. If you can, keep the pool covered when not in use and teach your children never to remove the cover themselves, as they might fall in and become trapped. And consider seeking the advice of a pool service professional for other tips involving pool safety.

When to Open Your Swimming Pool

After the cold months pass and the weather starts getting warm again, the time will come around about deciding when to open up your swimming pool for use. When summertime arrives and everyone’s ready to start swimming again, there’s still a little work left to be done ahead of time. It’s worth considering the services of a pool maintenance professional as well, in order to see that the water is kept clean and clear until the cold months return.

Removing the cover and the collected pile of debris and other matter, including pine needles or leaves, is the first step. Once this debris is removed away from the pool area, make sure that no dirty water is able to get into the pool itself. Make sure that anything that falls into the pool water is removed immediately.

Once the cover is taken off, check the coloration and clearness of the water itself. Is it as clear and clean looking at when you placed the cover on last year? If so, consider checking the chemical balance of the water just to be sure. If the water level seems low, refill the water to the proper level and check your pool for any leaks that might have occurred during the winter.

You should also turn on the pump and make sure that all lines are clear to allow water to circulate freely again. Run the pump for several hours at the very least, check or change the filters, and make sure to add any necessarily chemicals to the water in order to see that it’s properly balanced for the summer months ahead.

Dealing with Cloudy Pool Water

What should you do if the water in your pool is cloudy or appears to be dirty or contaminated? Not only is it an ugly distraction, it interferes with enjoying your pool and can even be dangerous.

But what causes pool water to become cloudy? One culprit could be a malfunctioning or nonfunctioning pool filter. If certain particles in the water are too small for the filter to capture or contain, it creates milky or cloudy water. Use of a pool clarifier forces these particles to group up together, which then allows the filter to capture them.

A chemical imbalance in the water can also make a pool cloudy. By taking a water sample, you or a pool service professional can determine any chemicals that are needed to compensate for the excess of other chemicals causing the murky water.

Remember that at no time should you consider swimming into dark or cloudy water. Diving into dark or cloudy water should never be attempted at any time, since it might lead to serious injury, and be difficult to see or be found by anyone either in or out of the water. Cloudy water should not be swam in, as it could pose a health risk to you or your family.

The clearer a pool is, the healthier and safer it is to be used and enjoyed by everyone. Once you know how to solve the problem of cloudy water, you can get back to enjoying your pool with those you want to share it with. Seeking the health of a pool cleaning professional is worth considering, in order to eliminate your cloudy water problem.

Cleaning Your Pool

It’s important that your swimming pool should be kept clean, even if the job might seem like a long or arduous process. The thing to remember is that regular pool service means that more time can be spent swimming and staying healthy — not having to worry about getting sick from your pool water makes it much easier to enjoy your time out in the water.

Different sized pools require different sorts pool service, but most have similar concerns and issues to keep in mind while cleaning them. Keeping the water free of any and all debris or other materials like leaves, insects, pine needles and more is very important, as they can get into the filtration system of your pool. Make sure to clean the surface for any floating debris, and to make sure the bottom of the pool is cleaned as well.

Make sure that the walls and bottom of the pool are scrubbed and vacuumed. Depending on where your pool is located near your home, vacuuming or brushing the walls or bottom of the pool should be done at least once or twice a week, depending on your availability and free time. This allows algae or other scummy buildup to be cleared away.

Lastly, make sure to check the filters of your pool’s filtration system on a regular basis — at least once a month, but make sure to check the manufacturer’s recommended instructions as to how often the filter should be checked or replaced. Replacing filters too soon is an unnecessary expense, and may even be detrimental to the regular care of your pool.